
Product & Design Intern | Horizontal User Experience Designer

Hangtight | 2023 (8 Months)

Hangtight is an AI-powered social planning application that is designed for IOS and Android.

The application uses machine learning to take the menial work out of planning hangouts and events with your friends. It also has in-app features that make events and groups more convenient, such as: rideshare, money sending, and calendar syncing.

My roles included:
  • Developing MVP
  • User Flows
  • Wireframing
  • Design Systems
  • High Fidelity Prototyping
  • Team Leader
Figma | Figjam
About Hangtight
Your Social Passport
“The ultimate AI-powered social planning platform for groups to connect in real life. Whether you are a college fraternity, an alumni group, or just a group of friends wanting to connect, never before has planning been more simple. With Hangtight you can:

Circles: You can create a Circle for your organization and instantly chat with everyone, poll members, collect member dues, and send invites to events seamlessly

See Who’s Attending Events: No more guessing games! Show your members where you’re meeting, who’s attending, and message - all in one place

Scheduling Made Easy: Easily search across all attendees’ calendars to find a time that works to meet

Use AI to Recommend a Location: Hangtight uses AI to learn what types of hangouts work best for you and your group”

- Taken from Hangtight’s website
Role in the team
While I was involved with a lot of the many different design work within the app (Circles, Design System, Plan Creation, Home Screen), I’ll be focusing on the Plan Creation, and Home Screen aspect, as those were features I contributed to the most.
Screens that were implemented into the app’s soft launch.
Key Deliverables
Within Plan Creation, there were a number of features to address and revise.
Reevaluate what features are needed and what can be discarded from the original design.
Redesigning the layout and visuals of both the Home Screen and Plans Screen from scratch.
Creating new components to be used throughout the different designs.
Reviewing the existing designs
Looking at the baseline
Having acquired an existing application as a baseline, the first things that we did was to look at the existing designs and figure out what worked with the existing vision and what need to be revised.

After looking at the existing design, myself and my team member (Kaisha) worked to create a new user flow to help shape the new designs that would be made. We created a revised flow for all of the new features that were planning to be added and new user groups.
Screenshots of the original designs
Proposed flow of new user groups and additional features
Design Library
Organizing the colors | Creating new components
With a baseline design ready, the team needed to systemize the colors that would be used throughout the rest of the product and start creating universal components that could be reused in other areas within the app.
New components created based off wireframes and additional features. Also making sure the components held true to the new color palette.
Check out the app here